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- Try to register with the abstract of the article in the limit of maximum 200 words but the abstract should not be too short (under 150 words) as this leads to downgrading of the article. Do NOT use equations, figures and abstract symbols (as they are not recognized correctly in all international databases). They can be displayed partially or misinterpreted;
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Date of publication
Date of publication for Issue 1: 15 March
Date of publication for Issue 2: 15 June
Date of publication for Issue 3: 15 September
Date of publication for Issue 4: 15 December
Note: Please follow the editing instructions specific to the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN.
This is point "0" in the Review Form, which if not respected, leads to the rejection of the article.
The article must be written in word (.docx) and saved in .pdf for conformity, as it is about: equations, symbols, tables, etc.
INCAS BULLETIN is open to the publication articles of aerospace related worldwide.
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