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Publications Ethics


INCAS BULLETIN subscribes to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice for Sholarly Publications of the Committee on Publication Ethics, the Directory of Open Access Journals, the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association.

INCAS BULLETIN is dedicated to the dissemination of the results of original and innovative research concerning the aerospace sciences.

This is an academic journal addressed to the local and international community and is committed to the highest standards of publication ethics and quality of articles in publication.

INCAS BULLETIN takes all possible measures against any publication malpractices.

Thus, it is important to ensure that all parties involved in the act of publishing agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior.

Responsibilities for the Authors:


the Author(s) warrant that the article submitted is an original work and that has not been published previously;


the Authors(s) should ensure that the manuscript meets the terms of the Guidelines for Authors regarding appropriate academic citation and transliteration and that no copyright infringement occurs;


the Authors(s) should inform the editors about any errors they subsequently discover in their manuscript.

Responsibilities for the Editors and the Editorial Board:


the Editors, together with the Editorial Board, are responsible for deciding upon the publication or rejection of the submitted manuscripts based only on their originality, significance and relevance to the domains of the journal;


the Editors evaluate the manuscripts' compliance with academic criteria, the domains of the journal and the guidelines (see Instruction and editing model for INCAS BULLETIN)


the Editors must at all times respect the confidentiality of any information pertaining to the submitted manuscripts;


the Editors assign the review of each manuscript to two anonymous reviewers who are chosen according to their domains of expertise;


the Editors must take into account any conflict of interest reported by the authors and the reviewers.

Responsibilities for the Reviewers:


the Reviewers must objectively evaluate the manuscripts based only on their originality, significance and relevance to the domains of the journal;


the Reviewers must in due time supply clear, objective and relevant comments and recommendations meant to improve the content of the submitted manuscript;


the Reviewers must at all times respect the confidentiality of any information pertaining to the submitted manuscripts;


the Reviewers should inform the Editors about any conflict of interests.


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